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sportweb 0.3.2

sportweb - instant open sports web admin browser command line tool

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  1. 0.3.3 - June 29, 2018 (108 KB)
  2. 0.3.2 - June 29, 2018 (108 KB)
  3. 0.3.1 - June 29, 2018 (108 KB)
  4. 0.3.0 - June 26, 2018 (108 KB)
  5. 0.2.0 - June 25, 2018 (14.5 KB)
Show all versions (12 total)

Runtime Dependencies (59):

actionpack = 5.2.0
actionview = 5.2.0
activejob = 5.2.0
activemodel = 5.2.0
activerecord = 5.2.0
activesupport = 5.2.0
arel = 9.0.0
builder = 3.2.3
concurrent-ruby = 1.0.5
crass = 1.0.4
datafile = 0.2.5
erubi = 1.7.1
fetcher = 0.4.5
ffi = 1.9.25
globalid = 0.4.1
i18n = 1.0.1
iniparser = 0.1.0
jquery-rails = 4.3.3
logutils = 0.6.1
loofah = 2.2.2
method_source = 0.9.0
mini_portile2 = 2.3.0
minitest = 5.11.3
mustermann = 1.0.2
nokogiri = 1.8.3
persondb-models = 0.5.0
props = 1.2.0
puma = 3.11.4
rack = 2.0.5
rack-protection = 2.0.3
rack-test = 1.0.0
railties = 5.2.0
rake = 12.3.1
rb-fsevent = 0.10.3
rb-inotify = 0.9.10
rubyzip = 1.2.1
sass = 3.5.6
sass-listen = 4.0.0
sass-rails = 5.0.7
sinatra = 2.0.3
sportdb-admin = 0.4.0
sportdb-models = 1.17.0
sprockets = 3.7.2
sprockets-rails = 3.2.1
sqlite3 = 1.3.13
tagutils = 1.0.0
textutils = 1.4.0
thor = 0.20.0
thread_safe = 0.3.6
tilt = 2.0.8
tzinfo = 1.2.5
tzinfo-data = 1.2018.5
worlddb-flags = 0.1.0
worlddb-models = 2.4.0

Development Dependencies (2):

hoe ~> 3.16
rdoc ~> 4.0



  • Gerald Bauer

SHA 256 checksum:

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Total downloads 22,591

For this version 1,482

Version Released:


Public Domain

Required Ruby Version: >= 2.3
